Monday, May 23, 2011


We all know this was a hot topic these past few days on the television, new papers, etc. In the Philippines where 80% are Roman Catholic, it will not be easy for some to understand this kind of topic. And this bill has become the center of a contentious national debate amongst famous and important personalities.

What is RH by the way? RH Bill means Reproductive Health Bill. It’s a bill aiming to guarantee universal access to methods and information on birth control and maternal care.

Going back, some people are anti because they are saying that God is the only one who can decide whether a woman will bear a child or not. The Catholic Church says that “A large family is a sign of God’s blessings and they are opposed to using contraceptives like birth control pills, condoms and such to avoid having a baby.

On the other hand, people are into the RH Bill. Nowadays where a lot of people don’t have decent job and money to raise a family, more and more people are deciding that this bill will actually help not only their respective families but also the whole country in solving poverty.

As for me, I’m PRO RH Bill. Because I personally think this is a sign of individual maturity and being responsible. Not only we will fight the problem against poverty but also we will fight the numerous case of abortion in our country. WHY? Because the young people will be aware of the consequences that premarital sex can cause them in the future like having complications, disease etc.

In this case, I honestly think that the Government needs to focus on the rural part of the community.

Aside from this, the Government also needs to start a directive for SEX EDUCATION for college students. Not only they will learn but also realize the importance of family planning and such.

But after all the numerous debates ongoing right now, I personally think that its WE who will decide whether if we want to have a big or small family. It’s actually ok to have many kids BUT we all need to consider a lot of things like if we can provide them all their needs like shelter, education, food etc. And also, if WE as a PARENT are matured enough to handle and raise kids if we decided to have too many.

Whether were PRO or ANTI the RH Bill, at the end of the day, it’s still our decision that will count.

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