Thursday, May 19, 2011


Why is it Tia Manoling won't understand the reason behind the transferring of the PCSO offices from QI to PICC??? Can't he not comprehend how important lives are and it is way more important than his own self indulgent selfishness..

hell! This old man won't quit his own non sense weird vomit..

Mi Amigas..Maybe lets just hope that Tia Manoling would finally understand that chairwoman Margie Juico has a job to do..

And yes.. Manoling.. If you cant be of any help..better keep to yourself yor feelings..

Attention? Sourgraping?

all of the above...

1 comment:

  1. he knows something that not a lot knows. he's doing this for a purpose, he will get something from this, if not then why bother right? definitely there is a story yet to be told. something that would make us understand why he is doing this. but then again it's for his own self indulgent so we will never know but something will leak, something will come out. someday someone will tell the true story why this despicable guy wants to mess things up. you cant hide everything Manoling.
