Couple of weeks ago, the internet, newspapers, social sites, media etc., was filled with discussions, debates and issues about the alleged transfer of PCSO offices from QI to PICC. It was “The Manoling Morato versus Margie Juico War.” I have read a lot of blogs regarding the said issue and I admit, I was one of those who dared write something about them. It got me interested as why Morato kept on throwing nasty comments and allegations to Juico. It was like a surreal battle for me though. I also wondered why the issue got so popular over night.
No surprise. . It’s as if we can still watch nice news on the television nowadays. Arguments between politicians, bad weather, fake smiles of senate members, P-Noy’s love life. Arghh!! Going back, It seems Morato already find his way home and snuggled tightly on his bed. What happened to the old gay? I mean old man sorry. Like all of a sudden, he quietly left the scene and after searching for the new scoop, there’s no fresh meat found.
I have watched videos and series of interview with the two parties and it made go on Juico’s side. I mean, the girl was smart and all. Answered questions directly and calmly. Unlike Morato who spoke like a girl and who cried like a chicken waking up the whole neighborhood. Like that familiar irritating sound we hear every morning.
After finally breaking her silence in front of the public, Morato didn’t answer back. Guess he ran out of false allegations to throw upon Juico. He doesn’t even have concrete evidence. And Juico have bestowed forgiveness.
“Thrown bread instead of stone.”
Tsktsk! HUSH! You Manoling! You have no match with PCSO CHAIRMAN Margie Juico. Just keep quiet!
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