Thursday, June 2, 2011

Another incongruity by Manoling

There has been very important news that was exposed by Bayan Muna party-list Rep. Neri Javier Colmenares. According to her, an approximately P42-billion worth of thermal paper contract was entered to PCSO by an Australian company TMA. This said contract has a life span of 50 years that was allegedly questioned by Colmenares. In addition, the contract was said to be approved without proper bidding procedures. However Morato denied the allegations quickly saying that the contract was legal and approved by NEDA because of the benefits that the government will gain.

Morato explained that even if thermal papers quality improves in the next 50 years, Morato also said TMA products' quality is way better than any local and international competitors.

Aside from the contract, Colmenares said that a big amount of PCSO funds, amounting to approximately P7.2 billion were surreptitiously spent on advertising.

Colmenares questioned why the contract should have a life span of half a century and how come it has to be with a foreign company and not Philippines’ own. Also, according to Colmenares, there’s nothing to advertise about since there’s no competition, people buy tickets especially the pot is really high.

 So where are these tons of money going? Is it going to nonsense projects of Manoling Morato or straight to his pockets? And now, Manoling Morato throws a lot of false allegations to Juico. What a shame Manoling!
According to Colmenares, If proven that funds have been mismanaged, the members of the PREVIOUS PCSO board of directors must be held liable and cases against them can be filed at the Ombudsman and at the Department of Justice.

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