Monday, June 27, 2011

Fighting the Boredom

Why do we feel bored? It’s normal in our lives not to do anything in a day. Busy people complain that they seldom have time to rest. On the other hand, people who don’t do much complain that they get bored and got nothing to do but stare at other people faces.
It sucks to feel jaded. But most lucky people can actually afford to do anything whenever they feel like it. They shop, go to the mall, go out of town, anything money can buy and make them feel alive again. But how about the tambay in our neighborhood who doesn’t have any decent work? People who seem to kill time without anything to do. Most likely, their schedule will be like this: wake up, eat, watch television, get bored, sleep, go outside, get bored, sleep, eat, get bored, smoke, get bored, go home, drink a couple of beers (if they’re lucky enough), get bored, and then sleep again. Same goes every damn day.

On the lighter side, there are still positive things to do when you’re bored. I guess the laziest person wouldn’t agree but we all need to make our day productive at least. Kill time by doing something new. It’s not about the luxury of being financially wealthy to do those kinds of things, but we can still do simple things to make boredom erased from our everyday lives.
We can do some thing prolific from which we can learn new stuff. Like, reading a good book, maybe about cooking, for those who love to eat their heart out in boredom. Fix some damaged appliances that needs a little fix, clean your house or yourself (for God’s sake), spend quality time with loved ones and talk to them about their interests. You can also surf the net or chat with your old pals, or maybe, if you got a lot of ideas in mind, you can write.

Wait, why am I talking about these things?
Yes, like you, I’m always fighting boredom.

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