Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Whenever you type the word blog in office word, it will be underlined in red, meaning it was used grammatically incorrect or your spelling is just wrong. I tried to check out the real meaning of this word, and according to dictionary.com, a blog is a noun meaning a type of online diary that someone makes available to other people on the internet.  A very popular way to communicate one's personal details without any social interaction. Furthermore, it came from the word “web log.” Meaning, if you are a blogger like what I’m apparently doing right now, you write anything about everything under the sun (and moon), or perhaps you should just be in front of your pc.

There are different types of blogs… informal, like those comedic writings about life, food, fashion? Anything that will interest people. Mostly for opinion and thought.  And formal, those that have political, humanitarian intention, those “tabloidilic” type probably... I mean those boring ones. Hehe...

There are a lot of social networking sites that we can use to communicate to old friends, relatives and alike.  In the world were living, where views and judgment to certain things are very much welcome especially on the World Wide Web, A diary is supposedly something you keep for yourself, but now, its totally different. It’s something that you tell the whole world. Something you share something, like a part of yourself. Showing how good or boring you can write or just simply saying that “hey, I have a lot of ideas.”

I admit I’m not so fond of writing online before. But then when I started having weird ideas about life, politics, dreams etc. that I want to share, I considered myself already one of “them.” It became my “escapism,” something I do to relieve stress. I can write anything. I can write my happiness and hatred. I can share my knowledge somehow.

And now, it became my “job.” I get paid for gathering my thoughts. For bringing what’s up, and for simply typing what’s in my head for a certain point in time. Like, I can do it in the office, a coffee shop, or in the comfort of my own bedroom. But it’s not as easy especially if you’re doing it to get paid. Sometimes you ran out of ideas to the point you can’t really write something else and you’ll feel dumb. But then, once something comes up, the typewriting starts ticking again.

So far, having mentioned the red line thing, I had 3 already on my notepad. I don’t know why? I guess it’s because the word per se isn’t formal that’s why it’s not recognizable by word processor. Hehe...

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