Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Chaotic Classroom; Part II

I wrote something about the situation and how chaotic public school classrooms looked like started Monday, the first day of school. Some students were sitting in a decent chair; most stand up and sit their ass off on the floor. 80 to 90 students were forcedly put in one room because these schools doesn’t have budget to add more new ones.

As I was reading the latest news on what’s going on in the PH, I read a new topic that’s been going on with PCSO, the old administration under Manoling Morato and another anomaly that he did.

In the world of public service, there a lot of people saying and throwing nasty things about each other, saying they are the “good one” and having other people think their enemies are the worst people in the world. But heck, for all you know, they are the one’s whose doing such evil stuff.

Title of bog: “This lotto ‘winner’ is still poor.” Just to make the story short, Morato allegedly didn’t give out the money to lotto winner that was dated March to April 2009. Have told the old, poor man that has the ticket on his hands that it was counterfeit, and that somebody else, a driver from Lipa City, had bagged the jackpot. Without any thing else, they just asked the poor man to go to court instead if he still wants to argue about it.

What the?! He’s saying a lot of bad things about the current chairperson of PCSO and how bad their administration is and now he has a lot of issues which are actually proven already.

He has been saying about treating the poor right and he’s been acting like the superman of the poor and now what? He did a very ghastly thing to an old, poor man who was just fighting for what is rightfully his.

Question is, where’d the money go? If it just went to his pocket or his bank account somewhere in Switzerland or the west coast, and if he always says he’s on the poor side and feels for them, why can’t he at least give out money or donation to these poor students perhaps? If he’s that good as what he’s saying, Morato should have in any case, also helped those by his scam money, and so he can also make this as a way to have his name fresh again.

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