Monday, June 27, 2011

Rainy Days Are Coming

It has been raining for the past few days. Typhoon Falcon entered Philippine territories last week and its five northern Luzon provinces were under signal number one.
Some people want a fine day. Of course, you can definitely do whatever you want when it’s a sunny day like going to the mall, strolling at the park, going to job interviews perhaps? But some prefer a rainy day. It’s like craving for being alone compared to hanging out with a lot of people or drinking at the bar without any company.

Me, I like rainy days better than a hot sunny day. I don’t know. And I don’t find it weird. But I’m talking about just a mild rain, not a typhoon causing flood “Ondoy” thing (damn, I wish that won’t happen again).
Anyway, one thing I hate about it though. The damn traffic in Manila. I once asked a jeepney driver as why vehicles are everywhere whenever it rains. And the driver told me that they always drive to the side of the road for commuters and because of that, they can’t pass through easily.
Some people said they feel kind of sad while it’s raining. They say the drizzle and darkness of the day makes them feel bored. The dark days makes them remember their not-so-good experiences.
On a different perspective, the rain makes me willing to walk around since its windy and all. No terrible sweat. It’s making me enjoy a hot cup of coffee more with some very nice cigarette on the side. Making me stay at home and save more money. There are actually a lot of things to do at home while it’s drizzly outside. You can cook your favorite comfort food like champorado and tuyo, sinigang, eat your heart out with a bag of your favorite potato chips or a bar of Reese’s chocolate, clean your room, watch good movies, laying in bed while listening to your favorite music, wearing a nice pair of PJs, drink beer with a good friend while chitchatting or just simply tucking yourself in your soft and comfortable el cama and have a very nice sleep.Also, I find it cool to be able to wear your favorite jacket, sweatshirt, boots and bonnet while hanging out in a local coffee shop down the street or your favorite mall. So nice to dress up while feeling the cold wind in your face.

A rainy day is not as bad as having yourself drenched. There are still pleasant things to do. As the weather today suggest, I’m planning to go straight home and enjoy my cup of hot chocolate.

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