Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Alcohol is Talking

Most of the time, we go out with friends and colleagues to have fun after work or on a weekend. And yes, partying wouldn’t be complete without some booze in between. Whether we admit it or not, most of the time we get drunk and starts to do some weird stuff like dancing like crazy, making corny jokes and saying things you don’t mean or let’s just say out of drunkenness. I’d like to call this the “Word Vomit” or something like the ‘talking alcohol.'

Words you can’t control. Actions you didn’t planned to act. Worst things like some sort of the Hangover movie…But why are these kinds of things happening? Is it just because of you’re drunk or there’s a hidden reason within?

Problems, insecurities, jealousy… People say, we speak of the truth when we’re under the influence of alcohol. We tend to say something, something which is in our mind and heart for along time. Words we can’t express to someone we know. But for some reasons, this incidents lead to a disaster. It’s a situation that can either make or break you.

What funny is most of the time, we don’t remember the things we said and the things we did after it. Because we care for our hangover and how to get rid of its annoying effect.

Then after, what happens next? As I said this act will either make or break you. And yes, since you don’t remember things, your friends on that particular given day will tell you stories. Stories you don’t want to hear. Stuff you’ll be ashamed of.

The talking alcohol… it is really we? Yes, I think so. It’s just the alcohol that influenced us to be foolish, brave, and sometimes tactless. And its all I know who had helped me change for a better person and learn from my mistakes…

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