Wednesday, July 13, 2011

For Love or Money?

They say money can’t buy love. But most people say, if you have the money, you can buy all the things in this world. A world where everything seems to have value. Where everyone seems to be fond of material things.

Money is the root of all evil. It makes people greedy and corrupt. It just makes one person forget his own self in a blink of an eye.

Love hurts. It makes one weep. It makes one miserable. They say if a person loves, it is impossible not to break your heart at the same time. You feel insecure, you feel out of place and at times you think you can’t breathe out of hurt.

If a person will be asked what’s important to them – happiness or wealth? Most people choose money. Because most of the time, wealth brings happiness to us. We can buy clothes, bags, shoes, gadgets, cars, house, whatever. Name it and you got it. Sky is the limit.

But how about happiness that can’t be bought by money? Like having someone on your side, loving and protecting you. The air, a good night sleep, a smile and a kiss from a loved one… simple yet priceless things.

Love… it is a never-ending contentment. Something you bring until God decided to take your life from you.

Money… is an essential thing for us to survive. With it we can be able to buy our every day necessity, bring ourselves to a doctor if we are sick and be able to provide for our family and kids.

Anything that wouldn’t be abused is good. A little this and a little that. The power of equality and balance will give everything to its good use, so does money and love.

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