Tuesday, July 12, 2011

When You Find Yourself Missing

Missing someone is a feeling easy to explain yet very hard to undergo. It’s a feeling of longing and desire to see and be with someone you haven’t seen for a long time or even for a while. People might feel upset, worry, find it hard to sleep, having loss of appetite and such. It’s a feeling of emptiness. Something you don’t want to feel even just for a day.

But all of us experience missing someone. A friend, a family member, or a partner. Sometimes, people don’t know the real importance of someone until they feel blank because of their absence. Most of the time, they won’t admit it. And most of the time, they just won’t nurse the feeling of it.

In life, there are certain things why someone should let go of a person. It might be for the meantime, for a certain period and for good. “For the mean time,” like if you have a partner whom you can’t see for one or two days. This kind of situation however, is normal. Sometimes we need to miss someone so we’ll be eager to see them. “For a certain period of time,” is when a family member or our loved ones need to go abroad to work or something. They do this because of different reasons like work growth, vacation, financial etc. Lastly, “For good”, someone you broke up with and promised not to see each other again… and worse, someone you care for and is special to you passed away. This kind of feeling can make someone crazy. Something that needs special care and understanding.

Craving for something to eat is hard, you toss and turn, not stopping until you get what you want. What if it’s longing for someone so dear to you? Especially when you spent most of your time with them. You’ll feel so vulnerable without your other half. You will feel its as if you can’t move without them.

They say, if you miss someone, just look on the moon at night and surely the person far from you sees it on the other side. Whether he/she’s on the far side of the world, what’s important is you see a light together and wishes at the same time that you will be together soon.

I once read, “Let go of the hand of the person you love, but don’t let go of God’s hand for if you hold on to His, He may be holding the person you love in the other hand to let you hold each other again.” Sounds easy, but I know for sure, these words are hard enough for a broken heart, for someone missing a person they love.

Time. God only knows when the two souls will meet again. For those empty times you feel like its hard to breathe. There are many reasons why you should go on and breathe for the one you love. Do something worthwhile, take care of yourself, never stop caring and loving for others and lastly, don’t forget to pray. Acceptance is one big assurance to one’s self that you can carry on with your life. Never stop asking and hoping that someday you would finally hug each other tightly in your arms.

I miss someone right now. And I think that is why I’m writing this. I just wish he would know how empty I am not seeing him. Not being with him in times I feel like crying. How I wish I could be with him whenever he feels he’s all alone. How I wish I could look at his eyes and tell him how dark my days were when he’s not beside me.

But I know, we will see each other again. Maybe not today, nor tomorrow.

But in God’s time we will. I miss someone. And I miss the laughter, care and love shared together.

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